
How to change a YouTube video size

Every so often I get asked by new bloggers how to change the size of the YouTube video when they want to embed a particular video into their blog. It's actually very simple and takes less than 10 seconds once you know what to do. Here's all you need to do:

1. Find the "embed" code on the video you are choosing. It's just to the right of the video.
2. Click the embed link once and the whole line will highlight.
3. Copy it (Ctrl+C) and paste (Ctrl+V) into your blog post. Your code will look like this:

4. Change the size within the code to adjust the width and height and make it fit your specifications. For this blog I change the width to 400 and height to 325 so my code looks like this before I post any videos here:

5. Note: The video width and height appear twice in the code so make sure you change them in both places.
6. Post and done.

See, wasn't that easy? I should note that this basic premise works with most embeddable links at other video sites so this should help you out with just about any of them.


Anonymous said...

One thing I might add is to try and keep the aspect ratio as close to original as possible. You can get the original ratio by dividing the height by the width, so in this case 325 divided by 400 will show you that the height should be 0.8125 of the width. So pick your width and then set your height at 0.8125 of that number to keep your aspect ration in check. Picky, I know, but if you ever run across one of those horrible blogs that has a smushed looking video, you'll quickly see the value in this.

Nathan Moore said...


Anonymous said...

Bill, thank you for this; I'm so glad to find these simple instructions.

Sometimes when blogging, the simplest things can cause great frustration. I think I spent about 15 minutes trying to upload a clip off GodTube, treating it as a google clip only to realize that at the time they don't work with WordPress, only blogger, etc. Maybe it's still somewhat beta. On the other hand by this week, it might have changed.

Anyway thanks for the tip.

Anonymous said...

Thank you as well, for this simple and clear guide. Will use this to post a video of Father Nguyen van Ly's sentencing in Hue last month

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the explanation!!!!

Ajmal said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for the tip !
infact, i was surfing for a simple and sleek explanation like this one :)
good work!

Anonymous said...

hi! its not working...please do elaborate...

I want to change the videos that are placed in a template which I used in my video blog most watched videos online

Anonymous said...

It didn't work for me either. Can you think of any reason why?

Anonymous said...

Thank you! Just what I was looking for and worked like a dream...

Meercat said...

Yes, great post. Worked like a charm. Thank you!

Unknown said...

there's only one tool exclusively designed to change aspect ratio is aspect ratio resizer, i am very happy with that

Brad said...

Hi Bill,
Thank you so much for explaining this in such easy terms. It was so easy to do. The big problem I get into is the techs on here that only explain things in computer talk. Then I am lost. The way you showed us to do it is working great! Thank you again !!!


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thanks man....it worked for me, www.gospelmodes.com