
My Old Web 2.0 Notes of Randomness

Tonight I found a legal pad I haven't used since sometime in early 2006. This is the pad I used when I was first beginning to sort out a lot of the early web 2.0 stuff that I'd been reading about. One page in particular stuck out to me tonight because I'm a data dumper when I'm trying to sort things out. I think that's why I love white boards. I can just put all of my random thoughts on it and then stand back and look at it to see how to make sense of the mess. That may sound strange but that's the way I work. That's what this particular page was that I found tonight so here are some notes from Winter/Spring 2006 in all their random glory:

Mass media verses mini media

Internet marketing:

Not typical banner ads and email marketing strategy

  • OLD - You're an outsider on a page
  • NEW - You're recommended
Buzz marketing
Word of mouth

To be effective the product must be good.

It's gutsy, honest, and not always pretty - must be willing to hear bad news from people - the bright side is that it will make your product better if you actually listen to them

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