
Regarding online video

In the coming weeks Greg Atkinson (from ChurchVideoIdeas.com) and I are going to do a joint blog post about some new online video editing tools that are available. Since Greg's got the video editing expertise he was kind enough to do this with me. He'll be providing a review of the tools and I'll sit back and enjoy the ride provide application of the tools for churches and ministries.

In the mean time here are a few thoughts regarding online video:

Embed! - One of the biggest advantages to online video today is that it can be embedded into people's blogs, websites, MySpace pages, etc. courtesy of those nifty embed links. If you're going to put video online don't limit people to only viewing it on your own site. Let them grab it and post it themselves. You'll extend your reach exponentially. If you're determined to get people to your site through these videos then put the address on the beginning or end of the video.

Wear it out. - All the old barriers to using online video are down. You can host the video for free, get free bandwidth, get free online video editing tools, and get cheap digital cameras. All you need to do is make the time to do it. If you've been doing video for the church or ministry for a while and you're not putting it online then shame on you. You're missing a great opportunity. If you haven't been capturing video of your church or ministry, just start doing it. Get in the habit and then begin working to sharpen your skills to make remarkable videos.

Let go. - I recently heard someone say they could post embedded video to their site but if they found someone had misused it they could somehow take it down or pull the video back from the misuse. This is 100% false. If you put a video online in any form there are tools that can allow someone to capture it. Once that video has been captured someone can use it for whatever they want to. If you have deep concerns about online video misuse you probably don't need to even dip your toes in these waters. My suggestion is to put video online and let it go...set it free. Let people grab those embed links and post them to their blogs or MySpace pages. Don't let the slight chance that the video could be misused to prevent you from doing it.

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