
Digg Gets Church Website Design

My friend Christopher sent me a link to a recent story that made the front page of Digg. It turns out a web design blog discovered some of the best websites for solid design and web standards were for churches. Enough people agreed with the blogger and Dugg the story right up to the front page. Here is the top 10 list:


Anonymous said...

This is a great list. Makes me want to get into graphic design. Anyone want to teach me?

Anonymous said...

This is really interesting to me as well. I think churches have to be top notch at their websites because people judge how the church will interact with them based on their website. If the website is cheesy, they may feel their experience will be too. If their church website is archaic, they may feel so is the church. I'm glad to hear people see the importance of good looking websites.

Author is lead developer of

Anonymous said...

I am all for churches creating attractive, well designed websites. Some churches have members who are expert web designers while others have the money to pay for these services while other do not. I have written a book called Church Website Design that is intended to allow anyone to develop a church website for not a lot of money.