Seth Godin Sums Up What I Do
I read Seth Godin's blog regularly but hadn't looked at it in a few days until I received an email from Jeff today who said I needed to see his post about digital coaches from yesterday. The point of Jeff's email to me was that Seth's post pretty much sums up what I do and the type of help I can provide.
I've found it's not always easy to explain what "new media marketing" is because there is some basis for understanding that is necessary to even know what the heck new media is...much less how to use it for marketing purposes. That being said, Seth hit the nail on the head by calling it (among other things as you'll see in the post) digital coaching. I think in my case it's more applicable to say I do digital marketing coaching...but you get the idea. I created a Squidoo lens to talk about it too. Take a look if you like. It's called, "Blogs, Podcasts, YouTube, oh my!"
UPDATE: Help take my Squidoo lens to the top of the Digital Coaching page...scroll down to the entry that says: (that's me) and vote once for it. Right now the top vote only has five votes so with just a few of you we can get to the top!
Bill, a digital coach is exactly what you are. You've played this role for my company and it has been a tremendous asset for CPA for Small Business. I voted and was able to move you from 14 to 7. Scot
Scot. Thanks so much!! I appreciate it.
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