
LifeChurch.tv Launches Second Life Church

America's most innovative church is showing why they were given that title. They've had a Second Life church campus in development for a few months now and have officially launched it. No word yet on the strategy specifics within Second Life. A few things they may be considering (and these are speculation on my part) are ministry teams, Second Life missions conferences and live broadcasts of the weekend services. We'll learn more about their plans as they get up and going.

Without a doubt this move shows their willingness to go new places to reach new people. Right now it doesn't matter if they have all the reasons and strategy for the Second Life campus figured out or not. The fact of the matter is they're placing themselves on the front lines of new ministry opportunities. This is a move for both the present and the future. While LifeChurch will be reaching those currently on the fringe of culture and technology, this fringe is moving steadily closer to the mainstream. When Second Life (or some derivative of it) comes into the mainstream, only then will this move begin to be fully realized for its significance, impact, foresight and obedience. Sure, it's cool to get labeled an innovative church, but maybe the real innovation here is obedience in action.


Anonymous said...


Your speculation is correct (don't know about the conference though). I'll post more about the "what to expect" when or slightly before we have the grand opening soon.

Bill Seaver said...

Great. I'm looking forward to hearing what you guys plan to do.